34 MMTS trains cancelled due to heavy rain forecast in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: Due to heavy rain forecast by IMD, Hyderabad, the South Central Railway (SCR) has cancelled 34 MMTS services in Hyderabad for three-days between Monday and Wednesday.
All the MMTS trains between Lingampalli-Hyderabad, Hyderabad-Lingampalli, Falaknuma-Lingampalli, Lingampalli-Falaknuma, Secunderabad-Lingampalli and in return direction i.e. Lingampalli to Secunderabad have been cancelled, the SCR in a statement said.
Cancelled MMTS trains in Lingampalli-Hyderabad section include 47129, 47132, 47133, 47135, 47136, 47137, 47139, 47138 and 47140. In Hyderabad-Lingampalli section, the cancelled MMTS trains include 47105, 47109, 47110, 47111, 47112, 47114, 47116, 47118 and 47120.
In Falaknuma-Lingampalli section, the cancelled MMTS trains include 47153, 47164, 47165, 47166, 47203, 47220 and 47170. In Lingampalli and Falaknuma section, the cancelled MMTS trains include 47176, 47189, 47210, 47187, 47190, 47191 and 47191. In Secunderabad-Lingampalli section, MMTS train number 47150 and in the return direction, MMTS train number 47195 has been cancelled due to the heavy rain forecast.