4 simple home remedies for acidity
If you are prone to acidity and often experience symptoms like burning sensation in your chest, bloating, nausea or vomiting, you can try some easy home remedies suggested by Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal.

There are a number of reasons behind recurring acidity and bloating issues which includes having too much caffeinated drinks, lying down immediately after eating or having too much spicy food. While leading a more active lifestyle and eating smaller meals could help to an extent, you can also try these simple home remedies suggested by Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal.(Pinterest)

Fennel seeds water: Having 1 tsp of fennel seeds with warm water will help you get relief from acidity and symptoms like heartburn.(Pixabay)

Jaggery: It contains both potassium and magnesium. Potassium is great to maintain PH balance and it is also required for the production of mucus in the stomach, on the other hand, magnesium is required for your digestive system to work properly. So just a small piece will go a long way.(Pinterest)

Black cumin seeds: You can chew on cumin seeds or boil 1 tsp in one glass of water to get relief from acidity.(Pinterest)

Ajwain: It is great for acidity and flatulence. It is excellent for digestion and is an effective anti-acid agent.(Pinterest)