5-minute-showers to bucket baths, everything one needs to know about bathing

With the Dutch government pushing for 5-minute-showers in a bid to burn less natural gas, it has given the world a chance to rethink their bathing routines. While many other European countries are fiddling with the idea, individuals across the world are experimenting with taking less-duration showers.
How often should you bathe?
For the climatic conditions we live in, it is mandatory to bathe at least once a day to keep our bodies hygienic. Twice a day is recommended in case one spends most time outdoors. Also, bathing after exercising is mandatory.
How long should a shower take?
According to dermatologists, an average shower should take anywhere between five to ten minutes. In case one takes hot showers for a longer period, there is a chance of the skin being dehydrated. Likewise, shorter showers may prove to be unhygienic and produce body odor.
Hot water or cold water?
While some prefer to bathe with piping hot water, others like it cold. As our elders say, adjust your water temperature according to the weather. Warm showers in winter and cold showers in summer are ideal. However, when unable to decide, it is best to go with lukewarm water. Also, hot water for head baths is a big no!
What are 5-minute showers?
This concept of bathing only for five minutes became popular around 2012, at a time when climate activism was rife. Shorter showers help save water, energy, and C02 emissions. To make sure the time taken is five minutes, some people also use a timer or sand clock.
Bucket baths
Another way of being sustainable with bathing is ditching the showers and using buckets for a bath. It sure seems a task, especially if one is used to taking showers, but using buckets for bathing will help reduce water wastage. Also, buckets are far cheaper than showers and bathtubs.