AIIMS Bibinagar continues to struggle with vacant posts

Hyderabad: Three years since its launch, the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bibinagar, continues to struggle with vacant posts of crucial teaching and nursing faculty.
Inaugurated in August, 2019, the AIIMS, Bibinagar, is facing numerous difficulties in maintaining the quality and high standards of medical education, as the union Health Ministry which regulates all AIIMS in India, drags its feet in filling-up 544 vacant posts consisting of faculty, senior and junior residents and senior nursing staff.
While the Telangana government has identified shortage of manpower in teaching hospitals that come under its purview and already started the process of permanent recruitment of senior doctors, the BJP-led NDA government in the Centre continues to delay the recruitment of crucial posts at AIIMS, Bibinagar.
Based on a reply to a query seeking information under RTI Act, 2005, on total number of vacancies in health personal and Anganwadi workers in government hospitals across India, senior administrative staff of AIIMS, Bibinagar on July 20, 2022 replied that 544 posts were still vacant since the premier teaching hospital was inaugurated.
The reply to the RTI Act query said that 94 faculty posts, 12 posts of senior residents, 28 posts of junior resident and 410 posts of nursing officers are yet to be filled at AIIMS, Bibinagar.
The Telangana government had gone out of its way to ensure no time was wasted and enough vacant land was allotted to establish AIIMS at Bibinagar. In fact, the OP building of NIMS, which was constructed with a cost of Rs. 73 crore at AIIMS Bibinagar campus, was handed over to Health Ministry, so that AIIMS can take-over the building and start the academic year without wasting much time over construction of the facility.
Despite measures to cut down the red tape and quickly establish AIIMS teaching hospital by the Telangana government, the union government is yet to complete the recruitment process, officials familiar with the issue, said.
The AIIMS Bibinagar, which is spread over 200 acres is a Rs. 1,000 crore project with a total strength of 1,000 beds. The Government of India was expected to incur an expenditure of nearly Rs. 600 crore for construction of the additional infrastructure and another Rs. 200 to procurement of high-end medical equipment.
However, given the delay in the recruitment process, the clinical services at AIIMS, Bibinagar including outpatient and emergency services have not fully taken-off.
Status of posts at AIIMS Bibinagar:
Posts Sanctioned Filled Vacant
Faculty: 183 89 94
Senior Resident: 50 38 12
Junior Resident: 50 22 28
Nursing officers: 600 190 410