Apple may add camera to the upcoming Apple Watch models

We could wonder whether smartwatches might perform more tasks on our wrists as they get bigger and more advanced, especially on the Apple side of things with the recently released Apple Watch Ultra. The idea of wearing a computer on our wrists—effectively replacing cellphones and other technology like cameras—has been depicted in science fiction films and other popular culture, and it looks that Apple is striving to make this a reality.
Apple is reportedly considering adding a camera on the top of the Watch, according to a recent patent, claimed AppleInsider. While somewhat protruding above the display, the camera would be comparable to the Wristcam.
According to Apple’s patent application, “the integration of such components may result in a bulky device that may impair user performance, be uncomfortable to wear, or be unsuited for performing certain functions (e.g., a camera disposed within a wearable electronic device may be difficult to position when capturing optical input).”
Additionally, AppleInsider added that by incorporating a camera inside a Watch band, the company doesn’t want to sacrifice the quality of its goods. They desire a top-notch camera that can capture 12MP still images or 4K films at 60 frames per second.
Real world use cases could include being able to unlock your Apple Watch using Face ID, and perhaps more advanced fitness tracking with the watch being able to “capture movement of a user’s body or other objects during certain activities.”