Former Home Guard officer arrested for cheating engineer of Rs 2.8 lakh in Hyderabad

The arrested person is Harijan Govardhan (35) a milk distributor from Kukatpally and native of Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh
Hyderabad: A former Home Guard officer who allegedly posing as a Task Force constable posted at the TGICCC Building and cheated a software engineer to the tune of Rs 2.8 lakh was arrested by the Banjara Hills police on Wednesday.
The arrested person is Harijan Govardhan (35) a milk distributor from Kukatpally and native of Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh. He worked as a Home Guard in the Fire Department from 2009 to 2014 and presently engaged in a milk distribution contract.
The victim A Gnana Sai Prasad from Kukatpally met Govarhan at an eatery near the TGICCC Building in August 2024 and the latter posing as a Task Force constable, promised to help in the victim’s hotel business.
“To gain the complainant’s trust, the suspect called him to meet near the TGICCC. When the complainant arrived, the suspect approached the main gate and pretended to have come from inside, making the complainant believe that he was working there. However, he never entered the ICCC building, but merely acted as if he was part of it,” said a senior official from Banjara Hills.
The complainant grew suspicious, when several attempts to contact Govardhan became futile and he did not get any response. On January 25, he visited the TGICCC building and inquired about the suspect. It was then that he realised he had been cheated.
The suspect was produced before the court and remanded in judicial custody.