Horoscope Today: April 2, 2023

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Your earning is likely to get balanced out by your spending, but you will still maintain a solid position on the financial front. Some of you may concentrate on your body just to be able to undertake a physical venture. Entrepreneurs may need to survey the market well before launching any new products. Differences with a parent or a family elder are possible and may upset you. A long-distance travel may need to be interrupted en route. Division of an ancestral property will prove favourable for all the concerned parties.
Love Focus: On the romantic front, someone is likely to come into your life soon, so go for an image makeover right away!
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Light Blue
Taurus (April 21-May 20)
You will be comfortable as far as finances are concerned. Your resolve to keep fit and energetic may find you hitting the track. Your present task may drain you both mentally and physically. A stable family life is foreseen and will help you unwind. Those thinking of a journey by road are in for a good time. Construction may begin for an addition to your existing house. Your wish for a change is likely to come true.
Love Focus: Love for you may not be as simple as ‘he loves me, he loves me not’, so listen to what your heart has to say.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Golden Brown
Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)
Handsome profits promise to keep your bank balance in the pink of health. Don’t overstrain on the exercise front. Appreciation for your part in an ongoing project is possible on the professional front. Those wanting to unwind will need to ensure peace and tranquility on the home front. Those feeling stressed are likely to take a break by going on a vacation. Some of you are likely to be handed the rights to an ancestral property. Much fun is waiting to happen on the social front, so go for it.
Love Focus: Although love is in the air, you may not get the opportunity to realise it!
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Light Red
Cancer (Jun 22-July 22)
A tight situation is foreseen on the financial front. It is best to address all health issues, before they start causing problems. Success is foretold, as you find yourself in the right frame of mind to tackle some negotiations at work today. Keeping the family informed about your whereabouts will help prevent misunderstandings. Travel will give you the opportunity of seeing new locations and meeting new people. Good negotiations are likely to get you a piece of property for bargain price. You are likely to increase your social interaction just to be in with the crowd.
Love Focus: You will have to be tactful in handling lover today.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Purple
Leo (July 23-August 23)
Some of you will deliver a sterling performance on the professional front. Someone may genuinely forget to return your money, so instead of making an issue of it, a gentle reminder would do. Your active lifestyle will help keep minor ailments at bay. You may be tasked to organise something on the family front. You may plan a vacation with someone close. Investing in property can give handsome returns, so keep an eye on it.
Love Focus: You may feel more romantic today than usual, so don’t let this feeling die, do something about it!
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Peach
Virgo (August 24-September 23)
A promised raise or increment may not materialize immediately, so don’t be in any haste. Businesspersons may find the tide turning in their favour. Some worry may keep you mentally stressed. Arrival of a family member will be as unexpected, as it will be delightful. Those planning a vacation must ensure everything to make the going smooth. Returns from an ancestral property promise to keep your bank balance in the pink of health. Participating in a prestigious event on the social front is foreseen for some.
Love Focus: Getting attracted to someone from the opposite camp cannot be ruled out.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Purple
Libra (September 24-October 23)
Going on the saving mode and not spending even on essentials will help you consolidate the financial front. You are likely to become health conscious and junk the junk food. Your efforts on the professional front may not show immediate results, but will not go in vain. Those planning a family can expect good news. A long journey proves tiresome and may keep you fatigued. Good returns can be expected by those investing in property. Be socially in by remaining in touch.
Love Focus: Your focus remains on love and romance, and you are not likely to leave any stone unturned in achieving it!
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Saffron
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Money invested in a lucrative scheme may not give immediate returns, but can become a golden goose later. Health remains satisfactory. Your ideas will hit the bullseye and gain recognition on the professional front. A difference of opinion with spouse is possible and may prove upsetting. A college or office trip to a sightseeing place is possible today. Buying property may be on your mind and is likely to become a reality soon. You love social gatherings, but avoid people who tend to put you off.
Love Focus: Efforts to bring romance back into your life will succeed.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Brown
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
You will need to become more conscious of your spending pattern to curb wastefulness. An advice given by someone may prove priceless on the health front. Excellent earning from a deal is indicated for those in business. Entertaining people at home cannot be ruled out for some. Travelling is likely to open many new opportunities on the professional front. You are likely to consolidate on whatever you have achieved on the social front up till now.
Love Focus: Keeping time aside for things romantic will help strengthen the loving bonds.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Maroon
Capricorn (December 22-January 21)
Previous investments are likely to give you excellent returns. Avoid excesses to keep good health. You may not be your convincing best on the professional front, which may affect your dealings. A family gathering may find you on the centre stage. An exciting time is foreseen for those travelling to meet their near and dear ones. A piece of property selected by you may finally be yours.
Love Focus: Efforts on the love front are set to succeed.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Blue
Aquarius (January 22-February 19)
Learning new skills on the work front will be fun and add to your expertise. Financially, you are likely to achieve stability and consolidate your position. Neglect on the health front can be costly, so give priority to it. A family function is likely to keep you busy. Someone you like may accompany you on a long journey. Lease for a property occupied by you is likely to be extended. Your well wishers are likely to go out of their way to raise your image on the social front.
Love Focus: Romantic front may find you and lover pulling in opposite directions.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: White
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Choosing the best investment plans may prove difficult. A selective diet may become your mantra for keeping fit as a fiddle. Someone may provoke you at work and make you see red. Your creativity and eye for detail is likely to prove a boon for your home. Someone arriving from overseas can get you all excited. This is an auspicious day for those on the verge of booking a flat or an apartment. You can be invited to a party or a social function.
Love Focus: Lover may need space, so give romance a break.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Peach