Horoscope Today: June 21, 2022

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
Steady income from savings may come in handy for child’s tuitions. The day foresees you failing to make progress in any sphere. You will feel on the top of the world today as far as health is concerned. Setting the house in order may become the priority of homemakers today. Smooth going is indicated for those on a long journey.
Love Focus: Lover is likely to appear indifferent today.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Brown
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
Expected payments are likely to get released soon. You give a good account of yourself on the professional front. Those ailing for long can expect miraculous recovery. Peace and tranquility prevailing at home is likely to soothe your nerves. Travellers will experience a smooth journey. You may get in two
Love Focus: Surprise your partner with a gift, if you want to woo him or her.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Peach
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
Good budgeting will find you overcome a cash crunch without any worries. Tying loose ends at work will assume importance in the present scenario. Peak physical fitness is assured for those working out. Homemakers are likely to exercise their initiative in bringing about a few changes. Problems are foreseen for those travelling long distance by road.
Love Focus: This is an excellent day for those having romantic inclinations.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Electric Grey
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)
Those feeling depressed are likely to find positivity entering their lives once again. A healthy bank balance will allow you to buy a major item. You will need to take a good grip of a situation at work before you proceed further. A long assignment on the academic front may prove boring and repetitive. You will manage to find time today to spend with family.
Love Focus: Cupid’s arrow can hit the mark and usher in romance.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: White
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
Reverses in risky investments will be handled competently. A work-related issue can keep you mentally ill at ease. New approach to a nagging health problem will help in dealing with it better. A quiet day with family is indicated today. Pilgrimage may help in evolving spiritually. Some of you may add to your list of properties by booking a new one.
Love Focus: You will succeed in impressing the one you secretly love.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Peach
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
Those trying to raise loans from various sources will succeed. Handsome earnings are foreseen for those associated with the fashion and textile industry. Health wise you feel on the top of the world. Travel is likely to prove profitable. A good understanding with spouse will bring happiness into your life. Good returns are foreseen from a rented property.
Love Focus: Those bored of the daily grind may not get the outlet they seek on the romantic front.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Pink
LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)
You will take positive steps towards achieving perfect health. Financial constraints can force you to let go a good bargain. Acting on the suggestions of an experienced colleague is recommended. Spouse may want to share his or her feelings and will need your company. Some of you are set to enjoy a spin around town. Acquiring property is on the cards for some.
Love Focus: Wedding bells are likely to ring for the eligible.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
A profitable deal is likely to end your financial problems to a large extent. This is the day when you accomplish much on the creative front. You are likely to take positive steps for curbing extra expenditure. Positive changes on the home front are in store for some. A much anticipated trip threatens to leave you all tired and fatigued.
Love Focus: Saying it with flowers will strengthen bonds of love and reinforce feelings for each other.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Lavender
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
You will need to ease the problems of someone who remains depressed and irritable. A helpful colleague will offer to share your workplace burden. An ailment threatens to give you trouble and affect your routine. Those living separated from their families will receive all the support from them. A countryside trip with friends and family promises much fun and gaiety.
Love Focus: Today, lover may just not show any interest in you, so give your partner space!
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Peach
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
You will need to ease the problems of someone who remains depressed and irritable. Loan will be granted to fulfill a fond desire. Some profit making opportunities are likely to come your way. Some of you may entertain a family guest today. Getting an overseas invitation in an official capacity is possible for some. Adhere to your priorities on the academic front.
Love Focus: Young couples and newlyweds can expect love and mutual harmony to blossom.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Electric Grey
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
Monetarily, the day appears to be a mixed bag as you spend what you earn. You will be able to tide over an adverse situation at work. You manage to retain perfect health. It is important to handle a situation arising on the domestic front. Guidance of seniors may prove a boon for those facing tough times on the academic front.
Love Focus: A romantic time is indicated for the newlyweds.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Peach
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
A financier will help you in investing correctly. Professional front brightens for you as your worth is recognised. A new exercise routine will work fine in improving your health. Don’t let a minor issue vitiate the domestic atmosphere. A long vacation with partner is indicated for some. A pat on the back for excellent performance is in the pipeline for some on the academic front.
Love Focus: The one you love may become incommunicado for no rhyme or reason.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Dark Blue