Horoscope Today: June 5, 2022

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
Financial security promises to add to your independence. Those afflicted with a lifestyle disease will be able to keep it in check and enjoy good health. Bonhomie prevails on the home front as you keep your interfering nature in check. Good time management will hold you in good stead on the academic front. Those wanting to unwind will find the home atmosphere most conducive.
Love Focus: Your love life is likely to pick up the tempo and is poised for an exciting finish!
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Light Brown
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
Financially, you will get to save a lot as you make others foot the bill for you! You will manage to steer to total fitness by adhering to your daily routine. Someone close going abroad or out of town for a long duration can make you emotional. Those feeling stressed are likely to take a break by going on a vacation. Those freshly out of college can opt for higher studies.
Love Focus: An outing with lover is preordained!
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Silver
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
Those requiring a loan will be able to get it sanctioned. Nothing can deter you from achieving what you have in mind at work. Adhering to a set routine will keep you mentally at ease. You can feel hurt and dejected over an issue at home. Seeing new places, meeting new people is in store for some. Students are likely to beat the competition and come out with flying colours.
Love Focus: Romantic mood prevails, so plan an evening out with lover.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Cream
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)
A monetary boon from an unexpected source will be most welcome. Your expertise will be much in demand and add to your reputation at work. An ailment you are suffering from is showing signs of getting cured. Domestic chores can burdensome, but it will only be a temporary phase. A journey by train is foreseen and will offer you a totally new experience.
Love Focus: Those feeling suffocated in a bad marriage can decide to end the relationship.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Red
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
This is a good day to renew professional relationships. Weight watchers are likely to be filled with a sense of achievement. Monetary condition is likely to improve for some. Going on a vacation with family will prove immensely exciting. Family dispute over property shows signs of getting resolved. Children will be most supportive and may strive to stand on their own feet.
Love Focus: Romantic front appears rosy as you meet an ideal match.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Silver
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
Efforts for improving your financial condition will show positive signs. Some anxious moments can be encountered by those in the political arena. Your current exercise regime promises to bring you into shape. Family’s support will come when you need it the most. Travelling to a new location is on the cards for some. You are likely to inherit or receive property as a gift.
Love Focus: Lover’s romantic ideas may simply amaze you, so just follow the directions!
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Blue
LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)
You are likely to take some positive steps to become financially secure. Professionally you are likely to excel and rub shoulders with the best. Your desire for better health is likely to make you turn to sports. Home front will become a fun place today as friends or relations arrive. You can long to meet someone residing out of town.
Love Focus: Stability in relationship is likely to be achieved.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: All Shades of Green
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
You may choose to invest in a scheme you have been contemplating for long. Chance of getting posted out on promotion looks bright. Those trying to come back in shape will succeed. You can find a grouchy family elder in a lighter mood today. Those setting out on a long journey should take all precautions. Day seems favourable for builders and property dealers.
Love Focus: An evening out will be like icing on the cake on the romantic front.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Dark Turquoise
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Money comes in a steady stream to make you financially strong. Those involved in export and import can find a slump in business. Some relief is indicated for those afflicted with lifestyle diseases. Homemakers are likely to have their hands full catering to the guests. Students are likely to beat the competition and come out with flying colours.
Love Focus: Lover will live to his or her promise to make your day!
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Maroon
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
Investments done previously are likely to get good returns. A rival at work can try to gain an upper hand, if you are not alert enough. A new exercise regime will prove most uninspiring. Devoting time to family will provide immense happiness. Those craving for a break can opt for an exotic vacation. Some of you may plan to build a house or buy property shortly.
Love Focus: Lover will be more than accommodating and sensitive to your needs.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Indigo
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
You may need to reconsider your decision on an investment. Things at work turn out favourable as you implement some new ideas. A home remedy is likely to take you towards total health. You can be instrumental in the success of a family youngster. An outing is likely to prove expensive, but enjoyable. Students will excel by providing full focus to the work at hand.
Love Focus: Persistence is likely to pay for those romantically inclined.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Lemon
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
Money acquired can be blown on things that are not a priority. You will need to give your all to a project for it to succeed. Some of you are likely to turn into fitness freaks to achieve total fitness. Positivity on the home front can be expected as you rid yourself of negative feelings. Luck is likely to favour those hoping for a scholarship to study abroad. Some of you are likely to realise the folly of your ways and make amends.
Love Focus: You will need to give your all to a project for it to succeed.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown