Horoscope Today: March 26, 2023

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
An improved lifestyle will prove to be a boon to those getting out of shape. You may not find yourself in the best of financial health, but this is a passing phase and may trouble you only temporarily. Luck shines on those searching for a suitable job. You will need to manage your funds well to organize a family function. Those using the road will need to be cautious. Much hardship is foreseen for those shifting to a new location. Your helpful nature is likely to be well rewarded on the social front.
Love Focus: Your romantic ideas are likely to please lover.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Purple
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
A financial boon is expected and may bring you into big money. Excellent health is foreseen. Differences with someone important on the professional front may cloud your mind. A family get-together will give you the opportunity to meet some new members you had not met before. Travelling with friends proves loads of fun. Shifting to a new place is on the cards for those looking for a suitable accommodation. Participating in a function or an event promises to be most exciting.
Love Focus: Your plans for an outing with lover may have to be slotted for some other day due to circumstances beyond your control.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
You will need to be more conscious regarding your health. A new colleague may give you good advice on investment. You will need to take up all the pending work before it becomes unmanageable. Those away from home may apply for leave to be together with family. Problems are foreseen for those travelling long distance by road. Chances of an immovable asset coming your way through inheritance cannot be ruled out.
Love Focus: A romantic opportunity is likely to come your way in a most unexpected manner!
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Dark Red
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)
An exercise regimen may be taken up. Expenditure is set to increase due to some unexpected expenses. Taking leave from office is not likely to pose any difficulties. Some turbulence on the domestic front is in store, but don’t escalate matters. A good time is foreseen for those travelling overseas. A windfall can be expected for those disposing of property, but they will have to be careful while investing this money.
Love Focus: Love life will remain satisfactory, as lover gets to spend more time with you.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Green
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
An investment may not give the kind of returns you had anticipated. Starting a workout regimen to come back in shape is possible. Your advice can be sought at workplace on an important matter. Domestic front may experience turbulence, as your spouse may not be in the best of moods. It is best not to be rash while driving today. A proud moment involving someone close is very much on the cards.
Love Focus: This is the perfect day to impress lover by a surprise gift or a party.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Brown
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
Keeping a close tab on expenditure will help you in avoiding a cash crunch. Health remains satisfactory as you remain regular in your workouts. A family get-together will provide an excellent opportunity to meet people you have not met in years. A leisure trip is indicated. A new house or apartment is likely to be acquired by some.
Love Focus: You will need to make love grow in your relationship, since nothing happens automatically in romance.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Pink
LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)
You are likely to impress a senior at work and benefit. Financially the day will prove satisfactory, as adequate earnings are indicated. You may find it impossible to continue with an exercise regimen. A family member is likely to become a great source of encouragement. Take all actions to make a long-distance journey comfortable. Some of you are likely to acquire property in the form of a plot or an apartment.
Love Focus: Argument with lover may strain the relationship.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Grey
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Some of you may need the help of a financial expert for proper investments. Health is likely to remain perfect, as you maintain a strict routine. Spouse or someone close is likely to make the day immensely entertaining. A tiring journey is foreseen for some. A property deal may prove most profitable. Expect to be reciprocated in full measure for giving a helping hand to someone.
Love Focus: Your romantic aspirations are likely to be met soon.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Orange
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Some wise investments may be required to make you financially secure. An improved lifestyle will prove a boon to those getting out of shape. Day seems favourable for those in health and hospitality sector. You may not be able to take time out for the family today. A much-anticipated journey can keep you in an excited state. A hobby may prove attractive, as you get a chance to learn something new.
Love Focus: A member of the opposite gender is likely to send out positive signals.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Off White
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
Good earning opportunities are likely to come your way soon. You need to take positive steps towards perfect health. You will be able to give a boost to your existing business and prosper. Planning something for the house may get you and spouse totally involved. A most uncomfortable journey is foretold for those trying to travel without reservation. Your presence on the social front will be most appreciated.
Love Focus: Candlelight dinner, soft music or whatever else you have in mind may not be enough in pleasing lover!
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Maroon
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
Arrears you had been waiting for long are likely to be received. Those wanting to shed weight can try a change in diet. This seems to be a challenging day and you will tackle more than what is expected of you. Those living in a joint family set-up are likely to feel frustrated, but looking at the positive picture will help them overcome it. Your option to travel by road instead of train will prove a better option. You will readily extend a helping hand for someone in need on the social front.
Love Focus: Romantic interest awakening within you for someone you like may not be reciprocated and dash your hopes for a budding romance.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Saffron
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
Buying an expensive item or jewellery at bargain price is possible. Being a choosey eater has its benefits, as it keeps you in shape. A blame game may ensue at work and upset you. Your view regarding a change at home will be appreciated. Travel can be a good option to unburden the mind. A property decision will be given in your favour.
Love Focus: A romantic evening out with lover cannot be ruled out and make for an enjoyable time!
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Magenta