Horoscope Today: May 1, 2023

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
Some of you may be thinking of a second career. Your performance remains satisfactory on the academic front. Those into business will manage to take steps to expand it. Tight schedule at work may make it difficult for you to spend a quiet evening with spouse. A youngster may prove a nuisance and may need to be disciplined. It is time to get a whiff of some fresh air!
Love Focus: Lover may trouble your heart by breaking a promise.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Cream
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
Spouse is likely to provide you comfort with a caring attitude. Good decisions at work promise to bring you to the notice of higher-ups. Improvements envisaged on the domestic front will get the go-ahead. Your resolve to come back in shape may find you on the treadmill track! Academic difficulties will get sorted out, as you seem determined to give your best. A piece of property is likely to come into your name.
Love Focus: Romantic life promises to be scintillating as you get lots of time to be with lover.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Royal Blue
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
Someone’s attitude may puzzle you and even seem selfish. Today you are blessed with the Midas touch and turn everything you touch to gold! Solid returns may be expected in a real estate deal. Jewellers or those dealing in gold and precious stones are likely to hit it big. Your excellent contribution to a project or an assignment can put you in a special category at work.
Love Focus: Spending time with your lover will help you in letting your hair down and relax.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: White
CANCER (Jun22-Jul 22)
Your ideas are likely to click today on the professional front. Your emotional support and a sympathetic ear to someone distressed will prove a healing balm to him or her. Those seeking employment are likely to get a call soon. A product purchased recently will help to make life easier. Home remedies come in real handy in curing a minor ailment. You may attend a gathering today.
Love Focus: Lover can be in a complaining mood today, but will respond to your suggestions.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Light Red
LEO (Jul23-Aug23)
A loan given in good faith will take some more time in being returned despite promises. You may walk the tightrope in not offending someone and also doing your own thing! Getting praised at the workplace may come as a solid morale booster and motivate you to give your best. Good focus and concentration will contribute towards good performance on the academic front.
Love Focus: A lover is likely to stick to his or her word and make you happy.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Purple
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
You may need to curtail wasteful expenditure if you want to go in for something big. At work, an issue pertaining to an official document is likely to rake a lot of dirt. You will need to put in extra hours on the academic front to catch up with others. Irregular timings and junk food may play havoc with your daily routine and threaten your health. Travelling with friends will be fun and make for a refreshing change.
Love Focus: Lover’s sweet nothings are likely to prove a balm to your jagged nerves
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Grey
LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)
Your timing in getting something completed on the home front will prove right. Control your stubborn streak, as it can spell disaster in both personal and professional spheres. Keep your ego under control at work, especially while dealing with seniors. Guard against dubious investments, as loss is foreseen. Your academic aspirations will get fulfilled only through legitimate means, so do not think of shortcuts. Follow a regular routine to stay healthy.
Love Focus: Today, you may meet someone you like.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Golden
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Your qualifications will be enough to get you a good break, but continuing thereafter may be a challenge! A mixed feeling about someone is likely to put you in a quandary. The day is likely to be spent in preparation for a wedding or a party. Leave applied is likely to be sanctioned. You will manage to choose the right course for investing money from a wide range of options. Lethargy threatens to get you out of shape.
Love Focus: There is a strong possibility of finding a suitable match for the eligible.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Maroon
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
You will get the right kind of exposure on the professional front, but the onus will be on you how fast you imbibe. Don’t feel satisfied by your current performance on the academic front, strive to be the best. Money is likely to come to you from previous investments. Someone on the social front may try to be one up on you if you are not careful. Property can come in your name through inheritance.
Love Focus: You will find a cosy corner to be with your sweetheart today.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Cream
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
You will need to infuse confidence in your subordinates if you want them to come up to your level. Someone trying to spoil domestic harmony may need to be disciplined. New avenues for earning may become a necessity if you want to cut even. A colleague is supportive and will help you out of a tight corner. Those spiritually inclined are likely to discover the benefits for themselves. Help you had been counting on will be forthcoming.
Love Focus: Prayers of those seeking love are likely to be answered soon.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Royal Blue
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
Your efficiency is likely to be praised at work by those who matter. This is not the day to press your luck on the financial front, as loss is indicated. Be careful while transacting money online or keeping your expensive belongings. Your fiery nature needs to be tamed and you will take steps to calm your mind and be tolerant towards others. An exciting trip with friends cannot be ruled out for some.
Love Focus: Hurdles appearing on the romantic front are likely to disappear.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Magenta
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
You will have to learn to be caring. A few mistakes committed here and there should not shake your faith in someone, who is a sincere worker. A situation developing on the domestic front will need to be tackled tactfully. Don’t let spouse interfere in whatever you are presently involved in. Neglect may lead to bad health, so be careful. This is an auspicious day when you find things moving in a favourable direction.
Love Focus: Lovebug is likely to bite some and make life more exciting.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Orange