Horoscope Today: May 18, 2023

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
Something that you are trying for coming back in shape will prove successful. If fame comes to you, how can wealth be far behind? Expect a windfall soon! You will succeed in making the work atmosphere light and worker-friendly. You can organise a party at home just to reciprocate someone’s kind gesture. Driving off to a holiday destination cannot be ruled out for some. A property is likely to come into your name soon.
Love Focus: Romantic front finds the stars strong and favourable. So, make the most of it.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: White
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
Health-wise, you are likely to feel at the top of the world. You are likely to grow financially strong, as money flows in. Some of you are likely to excel on the professional front. Not interfering in the affairs of others will maintain domestic calm. A short vacation is possible, so get ready to have some unadulterated fun! You may be in the process of giving finishing touches to a property deal. There is some scope of improving your scores on the academic front, so go for it.
Love Focus: You can run out of ideas on the romantic front, but the ones you have will be good enough!
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Green
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
No problems are foreseen on health and financial fronts. You will manage to increase your earnings. At work, you are likely to be appreciated for accomplishing something challenging. Family will create the right atmosphere for you to work uninterrupted. Those travelling may find good company to make the journey pleasurable. A good bargain awaits some on the property front.
Love Focus: Make a romantic environment and see the romantic feelings get generated on their own!
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Brown
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)
You are likely to resolve to come back in shape and start an exercise regimen. Financial constraints that you had been experiencing of late will become a thing of the past. Those not happy with the present professional set up will get the opportunity for a change. Giving a helping hand at home before being asked will gain you some big brownie points! An overseas trip materialises for some and is likely to prove most enjoyable. Renovation work may be taken up at home.
Love Focus: Lover may compel you for an outing with an offer you just can’t refuse!
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Red
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
You may choose to resume your workouts just to come back in shape. You are in the middle of something special that is happening on the home front. Things start looking much better than before on the financial front. An achievement on the professional or academic front will be most satisfying. You may plan a trip outside country for a social engagement. You are likely to acquire a piece of property soon.
Love Focus: An old friendship shows all signs of turning into a budding romance, so rejoice!
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Dark Grey
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
Those ailing for a long time will find their condition much improved than before. Worrying regarding a loan will dissipate as you will have enough for repayment. A job well done will earn you a pat on the back at work. Happiness in the domestic sphere will only come with a changed mindset. An enjoyable time is foreseen for those on a vacation. Good returns from the property are likely for some.
Love Focus: You will be bowled over by someone, who has the hots for you on the romantic front!
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Magenta
LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)
You may take up some activity or sport just to keep trim and slim. A raise you had been wanting is just around the corner. You are likely to be at your peak of efficiency on the work front. You may benefit from the advice of spouse or a family member. Driving around with friends is likely to give some a solid high. Property is likely to give good returns. You are likely to taste success in something you were trying to achieve for long.
Love Focus: An ex-flame is likely to enter your life once again.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Peach
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
You will manage to steer to total fitness by adhering to your daily routine. Good investment opportunities come your way. Things begin to look up for you on the professional front. Family will be supportive, but do reciprocate in return. A short journey will prove relaxing for those trying to unwind. This is a good time to sell an asset as you are likely to get a good price for it. You will gain by going exactly as per directions on the academic front.
Love Focus: Your loving gestures to someone are likely to be reciprocated.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Pink
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
You will keep good health by not succumbing to culinary temptations. Investing money in somebody’s advice will be a good idea to get good returns. A professional opportunity will be seized by some. Some of you may spend the day doing something constructive on the home front. This is the perfect day for a fun trip. Property acquired recently promises to give good returns. Things start looking much more pleasant than before on the academic front. Luck favors you in whatever you are trying to achieve.
Love Focus: On the romantic front, you may be left wondering by lover!
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Red
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
If health is an issue with you, expect to resolve it soon. A long pending payment is received and promises to make you financially secure. Some of you are likely to get detailed on a job you just love. You will do much to bring peace and harmony at home. A popular location is likely to be enjoyed by some. A property matter promises to turn out the way you want it to. Encouraging results are foreseen on the academic front.
Love Focus: Your love life is likely to give you immense satisfaction.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Purple
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
Your active life is set to make a marked improvement in your life. Monetary situation, which was showing an uncertain trend, is likely to stabilize. A new beginning is likely to be made on the professional front. Domestic peace and harmony are your aim and you will ensure that it is achieved at any cost. Travelling with your near and dear ones will be fun. A property issue is likely to be resolved amicably.
Love Focus: Marital life will remain blissful, as you remain ever so romantic!
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Magenta
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
Those feeling under the weather will show marked improvement. Minimising your expenditure will be a step in the right direction. Your reputation of being a go-getter is likely to get a boost on the professional front. A family youngster is likely to add a feather to your cap on the academic front. A journey may be undertaken on someone’s invitation.
Love Focus: Those eligible are likely to find their soul mates.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Green