Horoscope Today: May 6, 2023

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
You will find things moving favorably, both in personal and professional spheres. Decisions taken on the academic front are likely to benefit you in the long run. Something started on the side is likely to earn you good profits. The domestic front remains serene and peaceful and will allow you to let your hair down. Energy supplements may come in handy in keeping you energetic. Travel will prove advantageous in more ways than one.
Love Focus: It is best to shed inhibitions and openly express your feelings for someone you love.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Brown
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
Indecisiveness at work may create problems. This is the time to resume the exercise regime you had abandoned. Special efforts may be required to boost income. Involving yourself in family affairs will help in keeping the mood buoyant. You can enjoy a drive out to the countryside. Chances of owning a house of your own look bright for some.
Love Focus: Someone who admires you is likely to profess his or her for you.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Peach
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
A job entrusted to you will be completed successfully. You stand to gain money from previous investments. Parents or elders may nag you into doing something you don’t want to. An outing will help in diverting your thoughts from issues bothering you. It is best not to be stubborn over trivial issues. You remain regular with your exercise routine.
Love Focus: Share your feelings with the one you love to lighten your mind.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: White
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)
You are likely to become a crusader for a cause that touches your heart. Steer clear of negative people, as the only thing they will do is to discourage you. You may participate in an event and win accolades. Those in senior positions may not find the same level of efficiency. A family member’s action may not appeal to your logic. Those living on rent will soon be able to own their own house.
Love Focus: Spending time alone with your lover in an exclusive place will be quite fulfilling.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Dark Yellow
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
An extremely busy schedule threatens to turn your personal life topsy-turvy. Don’t go in for a lucrative deal without checking it out in detail. Your desire to get rid of a minor ailment may require effort and self-discipline. Avoid being careless managing your money today. Don’t let a family become a bundle of nerves in a competition. Property is likely to be acquired by some.
Love Focus: Love life will cruise along smoothly as bliss returns on the romantic front.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Silver
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
Extend all the help you can to someone who needs it on the social front. You add a feather to your cap by accomplishing a difficult task perfectly at work. Returns from an investment are likely to prove most disappointing. Those pursuing higher studies will need to put their nose to the grindstone. Someone may seek your advice on a property matter and gain from it.
Love Focus: Love will grow as you keep aside quality time for romance.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Dark Blue
LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)
Good returns from an investment are foreseen. Your performance at work is likely to be lauded by those who matter. A balanced diet will find you hale and hearty. You will give your bit to bring harmony and peace on the domestic front. You may be pulled towards spirituality and may even plan a pilgrimage. A property deal is likely to favour you, so go in for it. Academic excellence is foretold for those pursuing higher studies.
Love Focus: You are likely to spare no efforts in making your love life tick.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: White
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
An important presentation is likely to go well, as you remain at your impressive best! Put in concerted efforts to overcome the cash crunch that you currently face. It is best to nip a minor ailment in the bud by taking preventive measures. Travelling will be auspicious and fulfil your desires. Some good news can be expected on the property front. You are likely to lead the pack on the academic front by beating all competition.
Love Focus: Improve your attitude to enjoy a happy relationship with lover.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Green
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Some of you are about to discover the fun element of exercising. A deal you had been after for long while may come within your grasp. Commencing something new on the professional front today is indicated. Your love and admiration for spouse is likely to make the home front a paradise. Chance to travel to an exotic destination is likely to be availed. Something acquired may become a great asset for you in the future. Your efforts on the academic front show all signs of succeeding.
Love Focus: A relationship is poised to grow stronger as lover opens his or her heart to you.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Orange
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
Someone may need your help in your field of expertise. Average returns are foreseen in an investment. You are likely to take up a creative pursuit and earn appreciation from all quarters. The family will be most supportive and will take care of your every need. Those with a vehicle are certain to plan an outing today. Some of you can get embroiled in a legal battle over the property.
Love Focus: Romance blooms for those seeking love.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Peach
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
You may find yourself overworked with too many responsibilities on your shoulders. An argumentative person is best avoided. A family member will not be as responsive as you want him or her to be. Maintain confidentiality in discussing financial matters. You may need to cater to the mood swings of someone close. Care needs to be taken by those suffering for lifestyle diseases.
Love Focus: Those trying to attract a mate are likely to take the next important step.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Pink
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
You are likely to come out the winner in a financial deal. An excellent day is foreseen on both personal and professional fronts. A changed routine will be good for overall health. Someone may seek your advice on the family front. If you are planning a long journey, expect it to be smooth and comfortable. You will be able to assert your ownership on a disputed property. Money does not seem to pose much problem, as you discover new avenues for earning.
Love Focus: Sweet words of lover will sound most reassuring.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Golden