Horoscope Today: October 15, 2022

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
An exercise regime will ensure fitness. Good financial management will help ward off an impending financial crunch. It may be difficult to keep your mind at work today due to distractions. Spending time with a family elder is indicated for some. Acquisition of property is in the pipeline for some. A vacation is on the cards, but reservation may become a problem.
Love Focus: Someone who has an immense liking for you is likely to do something special for you.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
A new line of treatment may be tried out by some for curing a bodily ailment. Luck is likely to favour you on the financial front and bring in money. You may be pulled up at work for something that you have failed to achieve. You will need to manage your funds well to organize a family function. This is a favourable time on the academic front, when you mange to give your best.
Love Focus: You may find lover at his or her complaining best.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Crimson
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
You are likely to make the professional situation favourable by playing your cards well. Good eating habits are likely to be adopted by some just to keep a lifestyle disease at bay. Money needs to be conserved, as a cash crunch appears imminent. You may go to any length for getting a family member out of depression. You will be able to tide over an adverse situation on the academic front.
Love Focus: You may need to take positive steps to bring romance back into your life.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Magenta
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)
Your new initiative will prove effective in coming back in shape. A bonus or increment is on the cards, but may face some delays. Professionals may feel frustrated regarding their slow progress. Good advice from a family member will work wonders for you. A long vacation with partner is indicated for some. Your advice to someone on the academic front will help improve his or her performance.
Love Focus: Lover may appear indifferent, so find out why.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Peach
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
Your performance at work is likely to impress seniors. Meditation will prove a good remedy in countering mental tensions. Expected payments are likely to get delayed, but will be received. Family will be most supportive in whatever you are doing. Travelling on a business trip may not bring the expected returns, but you will still benefit. Feeling paranoid about a property deal may not be without basis, so remain alert.
Love Focus: Chance meeting with someone may turn into a long-term romantic relationship.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Crimson & Red
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
Condition of those recuperating from surgery will improve quickly. A financial irregularity threatens to rope you in, but you will come out unscathed. A misunderstanding with colleague is best resolved, before it makes matters ugly. An assignment submitted on the academic front may come in for praise. Smooth going is indicated for those on a long journey.
Love Focus: Getting into a relationship is possible, but don’t be too hasty about it.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Light Gray
LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)
Those recovering from minor surgery will need to keep a check on their progress. Financial problems facing you will become a thing of the past soon. Total support of a family member may be required in sorting out a domestic matter. An exciting trip is possible. Some of you are likely to enjoy a special place on the social front.
Love Focus: Your brooding nature may not let you enjoy lover’s company.
Lucky Number: 6 & 8
Lucky Colour: White & Blue
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
A home remedy may prove effective in curing a persistent health problem. You will find luck on your side in a financial deal. Pressure of work that you had been feeling for the past few days is set to increase. A family member is likely to come to your aid in something important you are involved in. Taking someone’s assistance on the academic front may help you in catching up with others.
Love Focus: There will be something to cheer about on the Romantic front.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Bottle Green
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
In these hard financial times, you will be able to keep the money flowing in. A competition that had instilled fear in you will be acted without much difficulty. There will be nothing to complain about on the health front. Domestic harmony is assured for those wanting uninterrupted togetherness with the family. A property deal may prove most profitable.
Love Focus: A chance for an outing with a lover finally arrives.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Red
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
Some good health options chosen by you will keep you in good physical condition. Some of you may end up investing in a dubious scheme and lose money. You may resent playing to someone’s moods on the home front. That craving companionship will need to cast it’s net wider. Networking will be of immense help for those wanting a prized posting.
Love Focus: You will need to do something original to attract a member of the opposite gender.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: White & Peach
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
Prospects for those looking for a suitable job are likely to brighten. Negligence on the health front can cost some dears. Raising capital can pose difficulties, but nothing is insurmountable. Spouse or someone close may surprise you with a treat or gift. Purchase or development of property is on the cards for some.
Love Focus: Keep romance on the backburner today.
Lucky Number: 1 & 3
Lucky Colour: Crimson & Maroon
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
The health of someone close can show rapid improvement. Repayment of a loan can prove difficult, but you will find a way around it. A family member may be after you for an issue, so don’t resist as it is for your own good. A dispute over property may snowball into something serious. Students thinking of higher studies will need a lot more hard work.
Love Focus: Romance proves to be a great stress-buster!
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown