Horoscope Today: September 8, 2022

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
An outstanding payment is likely to be received. Your handling of some complex issues at work will be lauded by one and all. Only positive thinking will deliver some from depression. If you are looking for peace on the home front, you are in luck. Chances of going on a short vacation cannot be ruled out for some. Some of you will soon become the proud possessors of a property.
Love Focus: You may not feel totally at ease with lover today.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Cream
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
Some payments are likely to be received today. You will get the opportunity to wind up all the pending work in office today. Taking up jogging or walks is a step in the right direction. Real estate agents can get hard pressed for offering discounts. A pleasant surprise on the academic front cannot be ruled out for some. Domestic harmony may be missing from the home.
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Love Focus: Romance blooms for those seeking love.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
Loan will be granted to fulfill a fond desire. Landing a well paying job is possible for those looking for one. Good health will keep you in an upbeat mood. Much fun is in store for those travelling on a vacation. Buying a house or a piece of land may soon become a reality for some. A short-tempered family member is likely to spoil your mood.
Love Focus: A new love interest promises to make the days ahead exciting!
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Light Red
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)
You will be able to manage things well on the professional front. A home remedy is likely to get the ailing hundred percent fit. Steady income from savings may come in handy for child’s tuitions. A family issue shows all signs of spoiling the domestic harmony. Travelling with your near and dear ones is indicated. Don’t invest in property today.
Love Focus: Your romantic endeavours bring handsome returns.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: White
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
Good earning opportunities will be near enough for you to seize them. Faulty planning threatens to waste your efforts on the professional front. Those ailing for long can expect a miraculous recovery. Good mood of spouse is likely to brighten the domestic front. A welcome break from work may come in the form of a short vacation. Acquiring new property is on the cards for some.
Love Focus: On the love front, you will feel much more nearer to the one you love.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
A financial tip can prove profitable and get you some good business. Things are likely to turn out in your favour on the professional front. Dancing and doing fun things will keep some in perfect health. Someone’s assistance is likely to find you performing well on the academic front. A home project may have to be shelved due to paucity of time.
Love Focus: An exciting person is likely to come into your life on the romantic front.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Bottle Green
LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)
You manage to stabilise expenses and bring yourself into the saving mode. Things may not go your way on the professional front. Health of someone close can show rapid improvement. Domestic front can find you in the exciting company of friends and relations. A chance to set out on an exciting trip may materialise for some. property is likely to be sold for a good profit.
Love Focus: Better times are foreseen for those romantically involved.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Parrot Green
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Your recent achievements are likely to add to your career profile. A raise in salary is foreseen and will help you realise your dreams. A change of diet will make you feel more energetic. You can expect a good time today, especially at home. You will be able to raise a loan to buy property that had caught your fancy.
Love Focus: Expect a pleasant surprise from the one you love.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Light Gray
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
A discussion regarding money matters will prove most beneficial. Getting around your senior for leave will not pose much difficulty. An exercise buddy can be a blessing in disguise for some. Mood swings of spouse can disturb the peaceful environment of home. Fun is in store for those planning a trip to a holiday destination. You may become instrumental in getting a property issue settled amicably.
Love Focus: A steady love life will give you immense joy.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Magenta
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
A good financial move can prove healthy for your bank balance. You may have to put extra hours at work just to clear the backlog. Health-conscious will find some new route to fitness. A family member will be at his or her best behaviour and will do you proud. A trip overseas is on the cards and will help you achieve what you aim for. A good bargain awaits some on the property front.
Love Focus: Love is likely to grow between newlyweds and young couples.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Silver
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
Your financial condition remains in the pink of health. You can be commended for salvaging a situation going out of control at work. The issue regarding an ancestral property is likely to be settled amicably. Those planning to settle out of town will get full support of family. A journey may be undertaken on someone’s invitation.
Love Focus: You can annoy lover by something said or left unsaid!
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
You are likely to handle a job at work most competently. Escalating expenditure is likely to get you worried. Those not keeping well are assured of quick recovery. Your efforts will bring peace on the domestic front. Those travelling a long distance are likely to make good time. Steps taken on the property front are likely to bring you nearer your goal. This is a good time to consolidate your gains on the academic front.
Love Focus: Lover will help you in coming out of your shell and enjoy togetherness.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown