Hyderabad: ‘Modi Must Answer’ posters come up

As the BJP gets ready for the Hyderabad Liberation Day celebrations at Parade Grounds, Secunderabad, on Saturday, posters asking some tough questions to Prime Minister Narendra Modi over infrastructure projects that never came to Telangana, have been put up in and around the venue.
Posters with the title ‘Modi Must Answer’ found pasted at major junctions and thoroughfares in Trimulgherry, S D Road, Tivoli crossroads and Marredpally are now vying for the public’s attention.
The posters did appear to ruffle a few feathers, as the local Cantonment Board authorities removed them on some stretches near Parade Grounds. However, a few hours after, despite removal, similar posters were back on the walls in nearby places.
The posters contained 14 questions, essentially highlighting all the major infrastructure projects that never happened for Hyderabad and Telangana.
Where is IIM for Telangana? Where is ITIR for Telangana? Why Medical College not sanctioned for Telangana? Where is the turmeric board? Why national status Palamuru-Rangareddy project not sanctioned? Why there is no financial support for Pharma city in India? — were some of the questions directed at Modi.
Other questions that were part of the posters included – Why Centre for Traditional Medicine allocated to Gujarat instead of Telangana? Government of India has given Rs 300 crore for Goa Liberation Day, why ‘0’ for Hyderabad Liberation Day,” The GOI has removed 30,000 voting rights in Cantonment, will you restore it? Why defence corridor and mega power loom infrastructure has not been sanctioned for Telangana? and Where is National Institute of Design?
The posters also raised questions such as – Why Navodaya Vidyalayas were not sanctioned for Telangana? Where are NITI Aayog recommended funds for Mission Bhagiratha? Please open Cantonment Roads, No elections for SCB board, Why GOI is not giving land for constructing wider roads and flyovers? Why Bayyaram Steel Factory not established? and Where is Kazipet Road Coach Factory?”