Hyderabad sees 53.23 per cent attendance for UPSC CSE-2022 prelims

Hyderabad: The Civil Services preliminary examination 2022 of the union Public Service Commission (UPSC) was conducted smoothly here on Sunday with 53.23 per cent candidates appearing for the examination.
A total of 48,996 candidates were allotted to 108 venues centres in Hyderabad of whom 26,454 were present (53.99 per cent) in the forenoon session while the afternoon session had 26,083 (53.23 per cent) taking the exam.
A total of 1,011 vacancies were notified this year which was significantly higher than last few years. Originally, 861 vacancies were notified and later the government increased the number of vacancies.
According to coaching experts, this year, questions from Economic and Social Development dominated the paper followed by History & Culture, and applications of Science and Technology. There was a question relating to the inauguration of the statue of Saint Ramanuja, the world’s second largest statue, at Hyderabad.
“The paper can be described as tough and qualifying at the examination not only requires generalised knowledge but also examination skills. Prima facie, it appears that the examiner wants to shortlist aspirants with wide knowledge and curiosity to understand every concept in detail,” said Gopala Krishna Director Brain Tree, Hyderabad.
“While the exact qualifying marks cannot be predicted with accuracy as it is affected by many variables, yet based on the track record of the previous years we can expect the qualifying marks to be in the range of 83 to 90 for the general category,” he added.
Ranga Reddy district collector D Amoy Kumar was coordinating supervisor and DRO FAC Hyderabad, K Suryalatha was the assistant coordinating supervisor for UPSC Civil Services preliminary examination in Hyderabad.