In Brazil, Woman Murders Pregnant Friend, Cuts Her Belly To Steal The Baby

Several crime stories are so horrific that they send chills down your spine. And when you get to know about it in detail, it sometimes is so shocking to find out that the criminal and the victim are so close.
Bonds of blood and friendship are usually very strong but sometimes, the people you trust the most can stab you in the back (sometimes quite literally) and those make for the most disturbing criminal incidents. One such incident has come to light where a woman killed her friend and ripped the baby out of her belly.
The incident took place in Brazil in August 2020. 24-year-old Flavia Godinho was lured by her friend Rozalba Maria Grime, 27, to an old pottery site in Canelinha town. The 27-year-old struck Flavia on the head with a brick several times, killing her.
Rozlba then used a utility knife to cut open Flavia’s belly and pull the baby out. She then proceeded to hide Flavia’s body in a kiln after she died of a haemorrhage. Flavia was 36 weeks pregnant when the crime happened.
Rozalba went to her partner after committing the crime. He believed that the baby was Rozalba’s and took her to the hospital where the doctors found them suspicious. The doctors then called the police and Rozalba along with her partner was taken into custody. However, her partner was acquitted of any involvement on July 27, 2021.
Rozalba was in a 15-hour trial where she told the court about how she planned the crime and researched removing the unborn baby from a dead woman’s womb. She even learnt how to simulate the symptoms of pregnancy during childbirth. She was convicted of aggravated murder, obstruction of justice, abduction of a minor, attempted murder of an infant, concealment of a corpse and denying the rights of a newborn.