Interstate satta betting racket busted, 12 held in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: An interstate ‘satta betting’ racket operated from a house in Santoshnagar was busted by the police, who caught 12 persons and seized Rs.25,710 on Saturday.
The local organizer, Mohammed Siraj of Santoshnagar, was in touch with the main organizer Iqbal Shaik of Maharashtra, and was transferring the amount to him online.
“Daily wagers, auto drivers, fruit vendors and construction workers are participating in the satta betting,” Commissioner’s Task Force Inspector, S Raghavendra said.
In another case, the Mangalhat police caught Raghunath Rao (45) and Madhukar Rao (52) for organizing satta betting. Police seized Rs.42,500 from them, Mangalhat Inspector N Ravi said.