Employees across various districts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have been seeking clarity on pay protection, service protection, and leave benefits when transferring between departments through direct recruitment, such as TSPSC, DSC, or other recruitment boards.
Hyderabad: Many employees in various districts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have been inquiring about the pay protection, service protection, and leave benefits when transferring from one department to another through selection under direct recruitment viz , TSPSC/DSC/Any recruitment board.
Here are the relevant regulations:
* Technical Resignation: An employee selected for a new post through a Public Service Commission/ DSC/ or other Recruitment Board must submit a technical resignation to their previous department employer.
* Prior Notification: Before applying for a new post, the employee must inform their current employer about his /her intention to apply based on the notification issued by the Public Service Commission/ DSC) Any Recruitment Board.
* Formal Resignation: After selection for the new post, the employee must submit a technical resignation to the concerned authority of their current department and request for relief as per FR 26.
* No Joining Time: The employee will not be granted any joining time.
* Benefits for Government-to-Government Transfers: If an employee transfers from one Government job to another, they are entitled to service protection, pay protection and leave protection.
* Benefits for Transfers from Government to Local Bodies: Pay protection , Service protection, carry forward of leave benefits are not applicable when transferring from a Government job to a local body like Zilla parishad/ Municipality/ Society /Gurukul etc
* Benefits for Transfers from Local Bodies to Government: An employee transferring from a local body to a Government job is also entitled to these benefits.
* Benefits Within Local Bodies: When transferring within the same local body, only service protection and carry forward of leave are applicable, not pay protection.
* Service Protection: Service protection especially for employees recruited after 2004 is beneficial for retirement gratuity. When transferring from Societies, Corporations, Gurukul educational societies to any of the above no benefits are given.
(Author is a retired Government Employee)