Let’s talk about Smartphones, Social media and ADHD

Hyderabad: No doubt, smartphones and social media have encroached into almost every aspect of our day to day living and become an integral part of our lives. From studies to work to shopping and eating, in some way or other, most of us end up relying on them.
However, what has to be remembered alongside is the caution from experts that is rather succinct. Excessive use of smartphones and social media may not be a smart choice as it might take a toll on your mental health.
If you are finding it hard to stay focused or you are getting very easily distracted then you might be a victim of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder also referred to as ‘ADHD’. And it requires a diagnosis to know if you’re suffering from it and then there also is ‘NO CURE’ for it.
Sounds scary. Yes, hold your breath because each time you pick up your smartphone, the possibilities of getting ADHD increase!
Several researches, including the famous JAMA research, suggests that the symptoms of ADHD significantly increase in people who use smartphones/digital media at high rates. The quick feedback and gratification by social media generates high levels of dopamine and oxytocin making it harder for the user to let go and crave more for it.

The new short video features offered by many social media platforms only makes it even worse, say experts. These short videos, which not only generate happy hormones but create a sense of fulfillment instantly and makes it harder for your mind to focus on things for a ‘longer period of time.’
The many symptoms of ADHD include absent-mindedness, problem paying Attention, aggression, hyperactivity, irritability among others. Having mere symptoms doesn’t mean one has the disorder but it can negatively impact your life and has the potential to turn into ADHD.
What Helps:
Not just the new social media features but the notification ring alone can help improve signs of the disorder, so next time when you hear a notification bell on your phone try resisting it. Stop unlocking your phone without a reason or when you are in the middle of something.
Keeping away from your phone also helps, be it snoozing it away for a little while, during your dinner or while the device is charging.
There is also an FDA approved video game, EndeavorRx, which is available only on prescription from the doctors in the US. The app based game is developed in collaboration with neuroscientists and is proven to be helpful for patients.