List of Swagruha flats allottees uploaded on HMDA, TRSCL websites

Hyderabad: The list of successful allottees of the Swagruha Corporation Limited flats in Pocharam and Bandlaguda have been uploaded on the websites of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) ( and Telangana Rajiv Swagruha Corporation (
The allotment process was completed on June 29 and the ‘letter of intimation’ to allottees is available on
As part of the initial payment and in order to confirm the allotment, each allottee is required to pay a token advance with effect from noon on July 5 and latest by July 12 for confirming their allotment. If the token advance is not paid by July 12, the allotment stands automatically cancelled,’ said HMDA in a press release.