Meet Ansar Sheikh, son of auto driver who became the youngest IAS officer, cracked UPSC CSE at 21

Clearing the UPSC Civil Services Exam is considered a huge achievement as civil services aspirants spend the majority of their time studying for the exam. Specially, clearing the IAS exam on the first attempt a job done by only exceptional candidates.
The youngest IAS officer Ansar Sheikh is one of those exceptional candidates. He passed the UPSC CS Examination in just 21 years. A resident of Jalna village in Maharashtra. His father used to be an auto-rickshaw driver and he married three times Ansar Sheikh is the son of his second wife.
Sheikh’s father was an alcoholic and he and his siblings never had an atmosphere suitable to study.
However, Ansar was academically bright and secured 91 per cent marks in class 12th and 73 percent of marks came in graduation. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Ferguson College, Pune.
Ansar Shaikh coaching for one year. After this, prepared hard for three years and passed the UPSC Civil Services Examination on the first attempt. Ansar Shaikh became the youngest IAS in the country at the age of 21 by securing a 361 rank. He also worked for about 12 hours every day during the preparation of civil services for three years.