Osmania University declares holidays, postpones exams

Osmania University (OU) on Wednesday declared holidays for colleges under its jurisdiction and postponed all exams scheduled to be conducted from July 14 to 16.
The university declared the holidays following the State government’s decision to extend holidays to all educational institutions in the State till July 16 in view of the forecast of heavy rainfall for the next three days.
The rescheduled timetable for all the postponed examinations would be hosted on the OU website https://www.osmania.ac.in in due course of time, it said, adding that other examinations scheduled from July 18 would be held as per schedule.
Dr. BR Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) has also postponed the post-graduate second-year examinations scheduled to be held on July 14 and 15. The re-scheduled examination dates will be intimated later. Further details are available on www.braouonline.in or 040-23680241.