Prophet spread Islam not with sword but good character, asserts Swami Laxmi Shankaracharya

Hyderabad: The teachings of Prophet Muhammad are as relevant today as they were 1400 years ago. In fact the Prophet’s teachings of justice and fair play hold out hope in the present strife torn times marked by oppressive social and economic discrimination.
This was the broad message given by speakers at the 73rd Rahmatul-lil-Alameen Day organised by the All India Majlis Tameer-e-Millat at the Exhibition Grounds on Sunday. A large number of people turned up at the programme arranged in connection with Milad-un-Nabi, the Prophet’s birth anniversary.
Maulana Salahuddin Saifi Naqshbandi, who came from Gujarat, asked Muslims to follow the teachings and sunnat (traditions) of the Prophet in letter and spirit. They would benefit if only one practiced them in the day to day life. In his short prophetic life of 23 years, the Apostle of Allah was made to go through all kinds of trials and tribulations. And therefore there is guidance for humanity in his life for all times to come, Maulana Saifi said.
He touched upon the various milestones of the Prophet’s life and said from a simple moralist and reformer he emerged as a warrior, orator and restorer of rational dogmas. There is no aspect of his life that doesn’t inspire and enthuse. “Even non believers are fascinated and attracted by his sterling character,” Maulana Saifi remarked.
Earlier, the programme commenced with Quran recitation. It was interspersed by naths in the praise of the Prophet. Abdul Rafey of Maharashtra regaled the audience with an inspiring poem of Allama Iqbal.
Swami Laxmi Shankaracharya, founder, Hindu Muslim Jan Ekta Manch, Kanpur, surprised the audience with his knowledge of Islam and its last Messenger. Quoting Quranic verses and Hadiths, he described Islam as a religion of peace, love and forbearance. The Prophet succeeded in spreading Islam not with sword but with his good character. He was so kind that he never took revenge for anything and forgave even his bitter enemies. Unfortunately, Muslims today were not ready to follow the Prophet’s teachings although they were prepared to sacrifice their lives to redeem the Prophet’s honour.
Referring to the disturbing situation in the country, he said how anti- social elements were bent on creating differences and dissension between Muslims and Hindus. It was time people knew about their own religion and also about other faiths. The Swami referred to many incidents from the Prophet’s life to show his exemplary tolerance. All this he knew as he had read the holy Quran, Hadith and biography of the Prophet in Hindi language.
Mufti Khaleel Ahmed, vice chancellor, Jamia Nizamia, Mufti Omer Abideen, Prof. Anwar Khan, Mohammed Lateef Khan, chairman, Reception Committee, threw light on the various aspects of the Prophet’s life.
Mohammad Ziauddin Nayyar, President, Tameer-e-Millat, in his presidential remarks said different Prophets were sent down by God for different nations and communities and their teachings were relevant for those times only. But the teachings of the last Messenger transcended boundaries of time and space and they are relevant for all times to come. The Prophet’s life is so well documented that not a single aspect of his noble missions is left out, Nayyar said.