Telangana: BRS leader demands Rs 20,000 compensation for crops damaged due to untimely rain
Former MLA Sunke Ravishankar says standing crops such as maize and paddy damaged in hundreds of acres due to recent heavy rainfall that hit Choppadandi constituency
Karimnagar: Former BRS MLA Sunke Ravishankar has urged the government to pay a compensation to the tune of Rs 20,000 per acre for the damage crops suffered due to unseasonal rains that hit Choppadandi constituency on Friday.
Ravishankar on Saturday inspected the damaged crops in Choppadandi mandal and soaked paddy in Choppadandi agricultural market yard.
Speaking on the occasion, he said standing crops such as maize and paddy were damaged in hundreds of acres due to heavy rainfall that hit Choppadandi constituency on Friday evening.
The crop, which was ready for harvesting, was damaged due to the untimely rain.
It is going to be a big loss to farmers, who had already lost income by cultivating crops only in half of the land owned by them due to lack of water.
The BRS leader demanded that the State government provide Rs 20,000 compensation per acre of damaged as well as withered crops by conducting surveys.
He also wanted the government to provide compensation to paddy washed away in rain in the Choppadandi market yard.
He wanted market secretary Rajeshwari to provide minimum support price (MSP) to the paddy soaked in the market yard.