Telangana: More women keen on pursuing PG than men

More women than men in Telangana appears to be keen on pursuing post-graduate studies. This is indicative of the number of registrations received for the Common Post Graduate Common Entrance Tests (CPGET) 2022 being conducted by the Osmania University.
While a total of 67,115 applications were received for the entrance tests, 44,892 registrations were from women and 22,221 from men. These numbers show that women who are keen on pursuing PG courses are double the number of men. Two from other gender also applied for the tests.
“While 16,000 women took admissions through the CPGET last year, only 6,000 men enrolled,” CPGET 2022 convener, Prof. I Pandu Ranga Reddy told Telangana Today.
However, the total number of applications has gone down by 11,190 this year in comparison with last year’s count where 78,305 registrations were received including 50,661 women, 27,641 men and three other gender.
According to the OU authorities, the subjects-Chemistry, Commerce and Mathematics received less number of applications this time compared to last year’s count.
The CPGET is conducted for admissions to postgraduate, PG diploma and five year integrated programmes offered by the campus, constituent and affiliated colleges of Osmania University, Kakatiya University, Telangana University, Palamuru University, Mahatma Gandhi University, Satavahana University and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University-Hyderabad.
With the State government upgrading Osmania University College for Women into Telangana Mahila Vishwa Vidyalayam, the PG admissions to women’s university will also be done through the CPGET.
The common entrance test for 45 subjects will be held in 37 test centres across the State from August 11 to 22 in three sessions per day i.e., 9.30 am to 11 am, 1 pm to 2.30 pm and 4.30 pm to 6 pm. There will be no entrance examination for the subjects-MA Arabic, Kannada, Marathi, Persian and Theatre Arts.
Candidates who registered for tests can download hall tickets from the website from August 8. Candidates have been advised to visit the allotted test centres in advance and report one and half hours before the commencement of test on the day of the exam. Last year, 44,000 seats were up for grabs in the CPGET admission counselling.