Unseasonal rains increase risk of viral fevers in Hyderabad

Unseasonal rains in April and overcast conditions in May have led to a strange public health scenario in Hyderabad where instead of sunstrokes and water-borne diseases, the general public has to contend with the threat of ailments that usually remain inactive during peak summer.
Cloudy overcast conditions and low day-time temperatures have created ideal conditions for upper respiratory tract infections, especially viral fevers, influenza, common cold and cases of Covid infections, to thrive in Hyderabad.
Apart from Basthi Dawakhanas, private clinics and nursing homes in the city have continued to receive a large number of patients, especially children with typical symptoms of viral fever, this late of the year.
Physicians in Hyderabad have indicated that the majority of patients are reporting symptoms of cough, fever, body aches, sore throat, and runny nose. All the symptoms are linked to respiratory tract infections with viral origins. Almost all the fever cases are either H3N1 (novel swine influenza), H1N1 (influenza A) and a few are Covid-19.

“Every year in the months of April and May, we usually witness a lot of sunstroke cases. But this year has been different because of the prevailing weather conditions. At this moment, most of seasonal ailments are related to upper respiratory tract infections like influenza, Covid and sporadic instances of Asthma,” said seasonal diseases expert and Superintendent of Nallakunta Fever Hospital, Dr K Shankar.
On the brighter side, however, there are clear indications that almost all patients with these symptoms are recovering quickly with symptomatic treatment. While high-grade fever is getting under control in two days, it is taking at least four to five more days for the cough to subside.
In case individuals are down with fever, cough, and other symptoms, it’s better for them to stay at home for a day or two till they recover, doctors advised.