UoH campus school invites applications for various temporary positions

Hyderabad: The University of Hyderabad (UoH) campus school has invited applications for recruitment to temporary positions-PRT for English & Science, PRT for Telugu, TGT PET & Yoga and TGT Drawing.
The prescribed application forms can be downloaded from the University website. The filled in application with all the enclosures should be sent by speed post / Regd. Post to the Principal UoH Campus School, University of Hyderabad, 500046, so as to reach on or before June 25. Late application will not be considered. Filled applications can also be submitted in person in the school office on or before June 25, according to a press release.
Candidates should produce original documents along with a set of photocopies and their CV at the time of interview. For more details and qualification requirements, visit website www.uohyd.ac.in or contact 040-23132700 between 11 am and 2 pm on all working days.