VNR VJIET faculty of IT recognised in World Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University

Hyderabad: Dr. Radhakrishna Vangipuram, Associate Professor with the Department of Information Technology at VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology (VNRVJIET), has featured in the world top two per cent scientists listed by Stanford University.
The list classifies scientists of 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields and ranks scientists based on citations, h-index and more parameters. It was compiled by Professor Ioannidis (Stanford University, USA), Boyack (SciTech Strategies, USA), and Baas (Elsevier, Netherlands) and published in the PLOS Biology journal and updated in Elsevier’s Mendeley Data version 3, according to a press release.
Dr. Vangipuram was ranked 12th among the 324 researchers in Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), 9th among 124 scientists working in the sub-field ‘Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing’, it said adding that he was ranked 1st among the mere five scientists listed in Computation Theory & Mathematics sub-field within the same and ranked 87 globally in the field of ICT.