‘We’re being taken to Nigeria, save us’: Indian sailors detained in Equatorial Guinea seek help

Sixteen Indian sailors who are allegedly being illegally detained in Equatorial Guinea have released fresh videos appealing for help from the Indian government. The sailors, who are part of MT Heroic Idun’s crew, have sent fresh videos claiming that their ship is being towed away to Nigeria shortly.
Sixteen Indian sailors of the MT Heroic Idun ship have been stuck in Equatorial Guinea since August 13 allegedly for not displaying the Equatorial Guinean flag. They have been detained in Equatorial Guinea for over 80 days and fear arrest by the Nigerian Navy.
In two videos of over 50 seconds, the sailors appealed to the Indian government to rescue them.
The chief commander of the ship, Sanu Jose, said, “The ship is detained in Marshall Islands and we are not supposed to sail. It is an act of piracy if they take the vessel to Nigeria forcefully. We need the help of the central government.”
The Indian sailors onboard the ship can be seen crying and appealing for their rescue. “We don’t know when we’ll be able to talk to our families after this. Please save us,” the sailors are heard saying in a video.
Third officer Roshan Arora, too, appealed to PM Modi and the Foreign Ministry to intervene and rescue them.
“We just received information that we will be taken to Nigeria. Please help us. I appeal to PM Modi and the foreign ministry for help. They are detaining us illegally and are now taking us forcefully to Nigeria. Our mobile phones will be taken away and we don’t know when we will be able to contact again,” Roshan Arora said.
In the video, the crew members, including 16 Indian nationals, are seen holding the national flag and placards that read – save us.