
Gut health: 5 yoga asanas for a strong digestive system

Indigestion can lead to many health problems like flatulence, abdominal pain, acidity, and constipation. Digestion of food starts from your mouth and then reaches the stomach and then the intestines. Food is broken down and absorbed by the body. The waste products from the digestive process are eliminated through the anus and this is called defecation.

Healthy digestion of food is necessary for a healthy body. Your eating habits and activities directly affect the digestion process. You can keep your digestive system healthy and strong by making changes in your lifestyle or eating habits. Here are some yoga asanas to improve digestion and strengthen your bowels. 

Here are some amazing yoga asanas which will always keep your digestion healthy.

Do this yoga daily for healthy digestion and stomach

1. Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana or forward bending asana helps in giving relief from gas and constipation. It also reduces belly fat and gently massages the organs.

Do it this way: Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you and your arms at your side. Make sure your spine is straight. Now, keep your arms straight in front of your chest and inhale. Arch your back and hinge forward from your hips. Try to hold your toes and keep your chin on your thighs. Stay in this position for about a minute and return to the original position.

2. Balasana

The posture of Balasana or Child’s pose releases tension and calms your mind. Yoga postures are also beneficial for your thighs, hips and lymphatic system. It can also be very beneficial in improving your digestion.

Do it this way: Sit back on your heels and lean forward. Try to touch your chest to your thighs. Extend your arms straight ahead. Stay in this position for about three minutes and then return to normal position.

3. Pawanmuktasana

The posture of Pawanmuktasana removes gas and stomach diseases. It will improve your digestion and can expel gas from your stomach. It is also believed to be helpful in strengthening your abdominal muscles.

Do it this way: Begin by lying on your back on the floor with your legs straight and your hands by your side. Take a deep breath and raise your legs. Now, bend your knees and bring them towards your chest. Wrap your hands around your knees and hug them to keep them close to your chest. Try to touch your knees with your nose. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds and then return to the original position.

4. Trikonasana

Trikonasana or the triangle pose improves digestion, stimulates appetite and provides relief from constipation. It is also beneficial for your kidney and other abdominal organs.

Do it this way: Keep your legs straight and extend your arms by your sides. Now, bend your right leg to your right side and tilt your body to the right. Touch your right hand to your right foot. Keep your left arm towards the ceiling. Come back to the original position and then do the same on the other side.

5. Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana is considered to be another good posture to improve digestion. It massages the abdominal organs and improves the health of the pancreas and liver.

Do it this way: Sit with your legs extended forward and your spine straight. Now, bring your left leg near your pelvic region by bending your knees. Bring your right leg over your left knee. Your right foot will be near your left knee. Twist your body to bring your left hand on your right knee. Keep your right hand behind your back. Stay in this position for about a minute. Return to the original position and then do the same on the other side.


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