Horoscope Today: October 30, 2022

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
You will benefit by taking a break from your regular exercise routine. Moneywise, no problems are seen, whatsoever. Professional guidance may be required in completing a project. Your argumentative nature may not be tolerated at home. House owners will succeed in earning a good rent from their property. A step up the career ladder is very much indicated for some.
Love Focus: You will get ample opportunities to nurture a romantic relationship.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Dark Grey
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
Making workouts a part of your routine is indicated. Keep your shopping list to a bare minimum to curb extravagance. Things start looking up for builders and real estate agents. Your guidance will help a family member achieve his or her dreams. Those trying to sell property may find a lucrative offer that they just can’t miss.
Love Focus: Emotional blackmail is in store for those in love.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
Health remains satisfactory for those regular in workouts. This is a good day to go out both shopping and window shopping. A good break on the business front is foreseen for some. You can find a parent quite domineering. Good performance on the academic front may open a number of new avenues for you.
Love Focus: You may find it difficult to spend time in solitude with lover today.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Saffron
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)
A home remedy is likely to prove effective. You will need to be a bit tight-fisted in money matters. Doctors and engineers can expect a satisfying day both professionally and monetarily. Efforts may be required to create a relaxed atmosphere at home. You can plan an out of town trip to meet a relative or friend. A child may make you proud by his or her achievements.
Love Focus: Lover can keep you waiting, but it will be for a genuine reason!
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Light Blue
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
Don’t take any chances with your health today. Remaining conservative on the financial front will be a step in the right direction. Those prone to making errors will need to watch their step at work. Homemakers can find the day enjoyable in the company of friends and relatives. You are likely to come out the winner in a close competition on the academic front.
Love Focus: A sprinkling of passion is likely to make the romantic evening perfect for you.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown & Chocolate
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
Laziness may start telling on your health. Be restrained in playing the stocks and curb your desire for a financial boon. Some of you will be able to maintain a high standard of performance all throughout. The arrival of a guest will make the domestic scene lively. A new plot, house or apartment can be acquired by some.
Love Focus: Closet romance may come out in the open and embarrass some.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Electric Blue
LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)
Health remains excellent, as you become fitness conscious. You will take steps to make yourself financially secure. Diplomacy is the key for diffusing an ugly situation at work. You may not see eye-to-eye with a family member. Minimal delays can be expected in a long journey. A healthy competitive spirit will prove indispensable for faring well on the academic front.
Love Focus: A vacation together with partner will act as a balm for strained relations.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Lavender
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Health wise you feel on the top of the world. You will be judicious in your spending so as not to dent the financial front. There is no looking back for you in both personal and professional spheres. Your interfering nature can get you on the wrong side of a family member. Be vigilant so as not to compromise your security and that of the house you live in.
Love Focus: Your charm and persistence will pay rich dividends on the romantic front.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Yellow
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Health matters may take priority over other things. Financially, you do well by earning on the side. Explaining things in detail to a superior will help in clearing a misunderstanding at work. You will need all the tact and diplomacy at your disposal to handle a family member. Pilgrimage may help in evolving spiritually.
Love Focus: Make office romance a big no-no as it can interfere with your professional ambitions.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Golden Brown
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
A worry over some issue may keep you ill at ease, but not for long. A crisis on the financial front cannot be ruled out. Don’t let your heart dictate in professional matters. You may find parents indifferent to your needs, but that may not be entirely true. A long vacation with partner is indicated for some. Your unwavering focus will see an assignment to completion on the academic front.
Love Focus: Personal comments are best avoided on the romantic front.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Forest Green
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
An exercise regime may be adopted by some to get back in shape. Recent developments may make you cautious in spending money. Tensions on the work front can vitiate the home environment. Some of you may have to plan things as per spouse’s schedule. A property matter you had been worried about will be amicably settled.
Love Focus: You may feel ignore by someone you love, but this may not be so.
Lucky Number: 4 & 7
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
Those ailing for some time will show positive signs of recovery. It is time to consolidate your financial front. You may feel hesitant to broach a contentious issue with a rival at work. A family elder may feel unwell, but it will be nothing to get alarmed about. A property decision may prove unfavourable.
Love Focus: Romantic mood prevails and an outing is on the cards with lover.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Crimson