Opt for engine protection cover in car insurance

It is prudent to move in a car for the protection it offers during the rains. However, there is a risk of waterlogging in some areas and the car getting damaged.
While a comprehensive insurance cover will cover engine damages due to accidents, those happening due to water logging are excluded. Buying an engine protection cover will rescue car owners from these avoidable expenses, which sometimes are hefty, according to Ashwini Dubey, Head- Motor Insurance Renewals, Policybazaar.com
The costs are small compared to the coverage they offer, he said. This comes with the new policies or can be bought while renewing policies. The premium cost varies with the age and make of the vehicle. There is no waiting period. However, existing policyholders cannot opt for an add-on policy midway.
“The mandatory third party insurance will cover the damages that other parties suffer in an accident. For covering your own damages, we suggest a comprehensive car insurance policy. Without this, the expenses on repairs will be huge. Further add-ons for engine protection, roadside assistance and zero depreciation should be opted. They are a value for money buys should any incident happen,” Dubey said.
During rains many cars and automobiles get immobilised due to the hydrostatic lock (water enters the car and damages the electrical and wiring). Water logging poses a bigger challenge as water enters the engine. In such cases, it is advisable to avoid attempting to start the vehicle immediately. Once the water level decreases, the water should be drained from the vehicle. Some may need engine flushing and cleaning.