Over 6000 books in re-vamped Farzi café

Hyderabad has been experimenting with developing book café culture for quite some time now. There are many cafes available in the city having either book shelves or a reading ambience where bibliophiles can spend their evenings reading their favourite titles.
Small shelves with a few books are common, but having over thousands of books in a café is a first in the city. Farzi Cafe in Jubilee Hills which was recently renovated, now has a book collection of approximately 6000 books.
The revamped café was open to the public on June 5. Many café goers took to Instagram to post their pictures and videos to celebrate the new face-lift, with the hashtag #NewlyFarzified.
Scores of books and magazines about food, fitness, lifestyle, health, sports, art, and culture are available at the café, colour coordinated and stacked in the shelves right next to the brewery pub.